Saturday, April 11, 2020

Death For Most People Is An Incident That Is Feared. It Could Be The I

Death for most people is an incident that is feared. It could be the idea of not knowing what is going to happen after death, or possible that we haven't accomplished anything during their lifetime. In John Keats When I have fears that I may cease to be, Keats establishes three phases of coping with death. The first is that he wouldn't be able to write down all the poems he had in his head before he died, second is that he would die before he had a romantic experience, and finally if he dies before he has a true love, so he is no longer lonely. Keats feared that he would be unable to write down all his poetry in his head before he died. His fear of not being able to capture all his works before his death is an example of his fear of death, and that he is fully aware of it's rapid descant upon him. Since Keats is still a young poet when he writes this masterpiece, he has tons of ideas in his head for future masterpieces. Hold like rich garners the full ripen grain. Keats is saying here that his brain is full of ideas like a silo is full of grain. It gives Keats the picture of unlimited ideas and never-ending opportunity as a successful poet. Secondly, Keats doesn't want to die before he has a romantic experience or he shall die an unhappy man. He just wants some to hold and cherish. When I look upon the night's starred face,/Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,/And I think that I may never live to trace... Keats is saying that his search for romance is clouded with obstacles which makes his search for romance even more difficult. He could possible mean that by the night's starred face, as a search for a true love among millions of people. When he says that he may never live to trace it, he means that he may never find his true love mate among all the people in the world. Finally, Keats wants to find true love, so he is no longer all by himself. ...when I feel, fair creature of an hour,/That I shall never look upon thee more. By this he means that when he finds the girl he was set out to find, he will no longer continue to search. He doesn't want to be alone any longer, Of the wide world I stand alone, and think/Till love and fame to nothingness do sink. When Keats closes this poem he is setting up the belief that whatever you do during your lifetime it isn't important when you die, your fame and love all stay while you go to heaven or hell. Keats was an extremely influential poet of his lifetime. His use of vivid details makes reading his work even more entertaining. Its no wonder he is one of the best poets that ever lived. This poem opens up one's own ideas and thoughts about their own death and what they should accomplish before their time.